Verses of the Poet Nicholas O. Mooney
A General's Test
This is a marching style poem called a Cadence. It depicts a time in the life of a General going to war, accompanied by his Knights.

Brand my chest,
A Knights old crest,
Humbly I'll serve thee,
Into the west,
A General's test,
With weapons forged for me,
I am a Knight,
With fists I fight,
Foes surrounding me,
I show no fright,
Throughout the night,
A rally call to me,
Breaking Dawn,
Swords still drawn,
The enemy starts to flee,
I will not run,
Thats no fun,
It looks so cowardly,
To my son,
The battle was won,
I will come home surely,
When my days are done,
And I have gone,
You will be a knight,
You’ll See!
Author- Nicholas O. Mooney

Many Moon's
A Plighted poem depiction of a warring of interstellar planets, and the calamities withstood from it.

Many Moons circle in space,
Gravity falls and puts them in place,
The stars align up in the sky,
Extraterrestrials plan in demise,
I see the coming of this burning might,
The sun shines on into delight,
A power so forceful,
And never dimmer,
A space beyond the light simmers.
Telling old stories coming to be,
A new star shows in the voided sea,
Drifting away to the galaxy,
A time of travel,
Floating planets tilted off paddle,
Reaching beyond this vast vault,
Coming to Earth with intentions to assault,
Weapons armed in heavy loads,
Roaming and reaping as the way unfolds,
Superpowers beyond a country,
Looking at my stars hopeful to be lucky,
A Trek of warring planets start,
Seeking destruction in a different part,
We learn a way to take defense,
Aiming beyond a swirling ships dance,
Travel and terror are far from even,
Defensive towers burn roaring beacons,
Light the way to welcome home,
The space has life like a magical tome,
Word travels to all the believers,
The sign that spins through airy heat seekers,
A fight of space warring swarms,
Yet the sun still shines,
And the cold nights warm.
The power of the burning light lies,
Rested under beautiful eyes,
A tear and a smile,
War breaks out for a while,
Until the coming of young disciples,
The ones to bring peace and example,
Like hope smitten with a candle,
Then if they blow out and breathe repressed,
There will be ones that come to decompress,
A weary wavering swaying path,
Finally breaks the reaping at last,
They move mountains,
Unleashing a fiery crash,
The world comes to stop,
Reluctantly seeing to surpass.
Author- Nicholas O. Mooney
The Lamp!
This Poem shows the importance of a guiding light through a stringent and chaotic trip back to shore.

The Lamp!
The lamp that burns to the north,
Has a beckoning light upon shore,
The buoy tender rides back and forth,
Checking depth,
Checking current,
Checking course,
A mass below chain on the ocean floor,
Keeping steady always ready,
For the force,
The force of the tide remains torqued,
A bent propeller will surely loose course,
Not a wind that guides safely,
A nautical mile remains deadly,
And the light ever fades,
Because the mist gets heavy,
I cannot find my way back,
My vessel just lost its power,
I jump overboard on a raft,
I feel it in my bones the lamp will come back,
The wind in my eyes,
Ocean spray,
Then comes sunrise,
That lamp upon land,
I checked when I hit sand,
Was cracked at the lens,
And oil had dripped like a feather pen.
I cried out,
To get this lamp fixed now!
Author – Nicholas O. Mooney
This Epic Poem is a correlation of what the Tyrannosaurus Rex would think about, during the vast lifespan of the dinosaurs. It ensues the hunger, the fright, and the ravaging nature of the Primal Instinct Dinosaur known as the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

I want food, but we have scraps to eat,
I drool when we have meat,
My teeth, are sharp and neat,
I have small arms, but really big feet,
I eat standing up, no seat,
Blood drips, to my prey’s defeat,
Still, I say, there’s more,
We used to have food galore,
But we hunted from the trees to shore,
And now the food, is no more,
I think there’s truth in store,
Don’t keep your food on the floor,
Carnivores, don’t have a palette,
We pounce, and beat like mallets,
No veggies, like peas and carrots,
I eat things, which have these jackets,
It tastes salty, but keeps away maggots,
I poke the flesh with knife like edges,
Bleeding guts like withering wretches,
Grooves carved like magical etches,
Wiggling nerves covered in stenches,
It's a terrible sight to digest,
Yes… digest in the form of worldly war trenches,
Men, hide when the thunder comes,
Women, cry when the roar hums,
When I step it sounds like drums,
I cope well even when danger comes,
I fight well, but not like most have done,
My talons have most of the fun on the run,
I don’t bow to the creator,
For I am the one who is a life taker,
I never rest and I am an earth shaker,
The meat hides so I am a stone breaker,
I dine on the ground, no table, or saltshakers,
So, I guess I bow to my own food maker,
When I smell an animal, I begin to howl,
The hunt begins nocturnal like an owl,
I turn up trees when I near the fowl,
Warm Blood churns in the mud and smells foul,
I love the taste of my prey in mouth full,
Have you guessed what I am,
My teeth are sharp and known across the land,
The most dangerous creature ever to roam,
I am the Rex known from here to other lands,
Never have you seen such tyrannical being,
I am a Hunter until my heart stops beating.
Author – Nicholas O. Mooney
With Countless Measure
This is a poem about comparing the sea to a woman as the man aboard his ship thinks of a distant love, while he's close to the sea.

With countless measure,
A woman waves with pleasure,
The key to her heart,
Is found in the sea,
Buried in the sand,
A chest of treasure,
A blondish seashell,
A blue rippling sea swell,
And her breath so warm,
I could venture through storm,
She tears when I’m away,
On a widows walk she pray,
To know I’m at sea by day,
And held in her arms,
Rocking, as I lay,
Author – Nicholas O. Mooney
Mad Dad Joss, Bitch Witch Belle, Will and Kiss their children, and the Boy on 1st Dell.
A story of a Mad Dad,
His name was Joss,
Mad Dad Joss always wore a cross,
He worked so hard but never profit its loss,
He learned quick his nerves had a cost,
One day early,
Mad Dad Joss looked at his yard,
His grass was green, and a tree covered in moss,
He smiled to the sky and Mad he was not,
Such a beautiful thing to live on his block,
The morning dew was cool, as it was not hot,
Mad Dad Joss picked up a rock,
Threw it hard so it wouldn’t stop,
It hit a man in the head,
And he went flop,
He killed someone that day,
But is the story over? It’s not,
He went to his cell,
And his nerves started to swell,
Mad Dad Joss got visitation as well,
His wife looked at him and said, “What the hell?”
Your nerves broke your vows and now you’re under a spell,
So, the story continues to Mad Dad Joss’ wife.
Bitch Witch Belle had been through hell,
She stirred the food,
She fed her kids well,
Belle knew well,
And worked two till twelve,
Ten hours a day,
All Belle had to do was pray,
She lived at a church,
That they let her stay,
Her kids comforted her each and every day.
So, the Story continues with Joss and Belle’s Kids,
A boy named Will, and a Girl named Kiss,
Will and Kiss go to school with a governess,
They knew mommy was rich but never expressed it,
They collect donations when they get home from school,
They say pray hard and don’t be a fool,
Will and Kiss walked home one day,
They never reached home,
They saw kids that wanted to play,
A scooter on the ground,
Kiss asked if she could borrow it,
Kiss me first!
Will started with,
The kids that played got an idea,
ITS MY SCOOTER and begged to touch Kiss's Rear,
Kiss said grab it,
The boy said Magic,
Then Kiss said slap it,
What Will and Kiss didn’t know,
The boy with the Scooter’s Dad Put Joss in that Hell Hole,
So, when the boy went home without his scooter,
The one he gave to Kiss for touching her Cooter,
So, the story continues with the Boy on 1st Dell,
When he went inside the story he tells,
The neighbors’ kids played well,
But I’m sorry to say that my dad gave me hell,
The boy went to church to pray for forgiveness,
And the governess noticed something everyone else missed,
The Judge that tossed Joss in his cell,
Sat behind her in the other Row behind Bell,
The Governess knew well,
And prayed she had the strength to tell,
What happened to Joss was an accident that the man fell,
Joss was released the next day at the order of the Judge,
And Joss and Belle and Will and Kiss,
Knew brains came in handy and started to pay the Governess,
The governess was honored and so the story ends,
And Mad Dad Joss was Forgiven.
Author – Nicholas O. Mooney
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